Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

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  • After chemo

    Stressed what if cancer comes back once chemo has finished.
  • I need to a hug a dog right now xx

    Lots of tears today after 18 months of operations and chemo the cancer is back I am approaching 49 and been given a cure of 25% so there is still hope wish I had a dog to hug x
  • My Beautiful Mom

    Last week our worlds were turned upside down when we were told there's nothing more what could be done for my Mom she has Oesophagus Cancer, I'm heartbroken and scared Laura x
  • Bowel cancer

    My husband went for a routeen 55 year old colonoscopy on the 20 Dec and was told in the day they had found cancer.Two days later he was sent for a full body scan we get results on Monday .any advice on questions we should ask thank you
  • Bowel cancer

    My husband went for a routeen 55 year old colonoscopy on the 20 Dec and was told in the day they had found cancer.Two days later he was sent for a full body scan we get results on Monday .any advice on questions we should ask thank you
  • New Diagnosis

    Rently diagnosed with rectal cancer; waiting results of MRI/CT scans. I wasn’t symptomatic, this was picked up on the national bowel screening. I’m very fearful and worried and would be grateful for any advice about how to cope with this.
  • Gullet Cancer

    My husband had his stent fitted about four weeks ago. The pain still there and he has a lots of coughing. There is anyone have this problem please need your advised. Many thanks.
  • Finding the strength

    Many sleepless nights, tonight got worse and I haven't slept at all following my talk with the surgeon. Wasn't seeing it coming but in 4 short days I will be doing my big lung op. Not only that, but I found out I have 10 tumours instead of a couple
  • Not cancer,but underarm swelling

    Persisting swelling.Hello,and I am so sorry that all of you are going through such a difficult time and I wish you all the best in this New Year 2018.
  • Help with fatigue

    Cancer after care journey