Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Liver Cancer

    I was diagnosed with liver cancer and given 1 year to live, this was six weeks ago. Since then I have had a Tace treatment with pretty much no side effects. I have been given no other meaningful information about my condition. Struggling to come to terms
  • From the start

    my journey from diagnosis to removal to recovery from head and neck cancer. This will include pictures from the start, from operations to remove the cancer, scars I,ll have after the operation. How I, m feeling about things, my progress
  • Life after cervical cancer

    Am a lucky one at moment I've had my operation in remission from cervical cancer
  • Cancer treatment being cancelled due to Covid19

    Do not agree to cancer treatment being postponed due to Covid19. There are ways to remain safe whilst continuing Cancer treatment, which patients are not always being told about!
  • Fighting the big c

    The title says it all traveling back and forth with my husband to treat squamaous cell cancer head and neck, had private care had surgery radiation chemo still no improvement how long do we keep at it hoping praying that scans show something good
  • Seizures

    My husband was diagnosed with an astrocytoma in Feb/ March. Chemo delayed due to Covid. Multiple seizures
  • Caring for my 25 year old boyfriend during lockdown

    Caring for my partner who has cholangiocarcinoma - mets in lung, liver & brain. He was on TAS-120 which is not working. He had gamma knife treatment this week & feeling rough. Looking to chat with anyone in similar situ and advice for post-radiothe
  • Eternal Optomist .

    Hopefully an amusing account of my journey through chemo to stem cell transplant following my diagnosis of Myeloma, but we will see where the journey takes us and if I remain positive and optimistic.
  • Ground hog day

    Is it me or is life one big test?
  • Post anal cancer op still cannot sit

    I am 82 and female & 5 weeks post op after having an anal tumour removed & perm stoma. Stoma working great, my wounds are healing good. I still can't sit down! can hardly walk, hurts too much