Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Blog Log

    Hi everybody i Hope that we can help support eachother and understand eachother,after all it costs nothing.
  • Midlifecancercrisis

    My new Blog about Cancer treatments and Life after diagnosis...
  • The Three C’s - my Poem

    A poem re cancer corona and chemotherapy
  • 3 turns around the block

    Womb cancer, local recurrence and now Vin 1
  • Cll

    Hi I have just joined I have been living with cll for15 yes want is happingnow is whole new ball game
  • Dysplasia

    Can anyone tell me more about Dysplasia ive been told that I have this around where my nasal septum used to be. What in reality does this mean as I’m quite worried by conflicting accounts Thankyou for any help or advise you may have.
  • The upside of the left side

    My journey from discovering a change in my left testicle, through to diagnosis, surgery, BEP chemotherapy and beyond.
  • Stage 3 Melignant Melanoma Immunotherapy.

    Hello!! Is anyone else taking Dabrafenib & Trametinib. As Immunotherapy for Melanoma. Was wondering how others were finding it? :)
  • Favourite Christmas joke

    Favourite Christmas joke
  • Tumour getting larger three years after treatment

    Lung Cancer and choice of treatments