Life goes on

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone its been a long time since I last blogged but today feels like a good day.  Ive caught up with site news and am so glad to see that some of you have happy news to share.  Im afraid i'm not quite ready to be of much use to any of you and still really struggle with this horrible new life I am forced to live.  Please know that though I don't comment you are all very much in my thoughts. Its been 3 1/2 months since Joe died and not a single minute of the day passes when I don't think about him.  Im trying to put all the love I have for him to good use and have set up a charitable fund called Joel's Wish.  We support the Severn Hospice in Shrewsbury and are funding equipment (so far 4 handheld video cameras) for patients and their families and contributing directly to patient care. I'm also planning to use a portion of funds to directly benefit young people with cancer and hope to be able to gift modest sums to patients aged 19-30 to pay for special days out.  If you would like to know more about Joel's Wish we are on Facebook and will shortly have our own website. 

Joe insisted that I should go back to uni and finish my nurse training so, next week, I go back.  Don't know if Im ready but I guess theres only one way to find out.  Ive got 6 months left to complete so hopefully I'll be able to hold it together for long enough.  The District Nurses who were visiting Joe at home have offered me a job when I qualify and I have big plans to change current protocols in my area to allow all patients to have i.v. fluids at home and at end-of-life if they so wish.  Nobody should have to beg for the right to comfort and a few more days of life, as Joe did, simply because a policy doesnt exist.

For us, life goes on.  When I knew that Joe was going to die I honestly didn't think I could live without him but he gave me my orders and i'm doing my best to fulfil them xxx

  • FormerMember

    All the very best to you - as proud as your son made you throughout his life, you are now making him very proud of you I am sure.

    Take care.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Zoelaw.

    Its good to have you back on site you have been missed. I see you have been very busy while you have been away.Doing a lot of Charitable Work. Joe would have been very proud of you.

    Also you hope to go back and finishing your Nursing. I like your plans to change current Protocols. People should be allowed to choose how to end their life. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Zoe, what a lovely idea doing this fundraising in Joe's name. He would be so proud of you.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm new around here but I can already tell

    Your a STAR



  • FormerMember

    Wow Zoe you have already done so much and at a time when you need comfort and looking after.  Huge Kudos to you.  I hope you do qualify and become a district nurse, after all the experience you take to the job I am sure you would make a huge difference to patients and their families lives at a difficult time.

    Love & Strength to you.

    Debs x