CDH1 (E-cadherin) anyone??

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Hi, just posting this on the off-chance that one of you may have come across this genetic mutation.  There's apparently only around 100 families worldwide with this but Im hoping just one of them comes on here. Just had Joe's DNA results back and been told this is the devil responsible.  I'd really like to speak with anyone that has this mutation and is having screening or has had a prophylactic gastrectomy - got a lot of very stressed relatives right now and could use all the help and advice I can get. Thank you xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Zoe - don't know anything about this particular gene mutation, but I have a different type of genetic cancer, again very rare, and I sent e-mails to specialist doctors here and abroad who dealt with my type of disease asking them to pass on my e-mailed details to any patients they had with the same thing. It worked, and put me in touch with a couple of sufferers.  You could also try the 'rarercancersforum' - they are good at linking up people. Good luck, Jeanie x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Jeanie, thats a really good idea xxx