One of those days

1 minute read time.

Every day is a struggle, today was no exception. The day started off ok, sun was shining, I had managed to sleep more than four hours, yay. Went for a nice walk, had brekkie . . . . . . .  Started pottering around the house, as i do then all went downhill !  knocked my funny bone-which wasnt funny, stubbed my toe, then to top it off I dropped a shelf on my foot!ouch!! A lot of swelling and brusing but luckily no breaks, At the time, yeah it hurt, but I carried on 'pottering', then I started 'seein stars' , sat down for a while with a cuppa, then got it looked at. Feeling a little sorry for myself but not admitting it I went home, put my throbbing foot up.

Then 'our' song came on the radio and all of a suddden the tears started, went on for bout 40 mins.

 You see even though I admitted it hurting a little, I didnt  make too much fuss, its just dawning on me why I got upset- its not that i'm a wuss. its the fact that I had to go find someone to help me, I had to drive myself to a relatives house. That song just triggered the fact that I was on my own, I had hurt myself and I was alone.

Since losing my husband suddenly my emotions have been all over the place. Some days better than others. Sometimes having a quiet home to escape to can be relaxing, other times its lonely, you try and keep occupied,but then it just creeps up on you and smacks you in the face -usually when you could really do with the company. a cuddle.A chat.or even a sarky comment!!anything.  I miss him so much. :' (

  • FormerMember
    You sound very sad at the moment. I am a cancer sufferer and nearly lost my life last year, but am on holiday at the moment with my family and living some decent level of life. I don't doubt there needs to be some time for bereavement, but I expect my family to get on with it after I'm gone. This will happen as my condition is incurable. I'm sure you both loved each other very much, but I think your husband would want you to move on and make something of the rest of your life. Make a plan! Identify a time when your grieving stops and your life restarts. Not feeling guilty doesn't mean having to forget what you had. But perhaps I run ahead of myself. Keep well.
  • Hi newgirl82,

    It sounds like such an understandably distressing time. Please remember that when you do feel like a chat, you can give our free support line a call on 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm). They'd like to hear from you, even if you have no reason for calling other than to talk. That's what they're there for.

    I see you've already joined the Bereaved spouses and partners group too,and I hope this continues to be a source of support.

    Take care,


    Macmillan Community Team

  • FormerMember

    How are you getting on newgirl82?

    I was just reading my note to you back in August after logging in after six months plus ago. Hope things are better for you now. 

    Aaron C