Thursday,27th June

Less than one minute read time.

Well here goes my first ever blog last.  Its something I have been meaning to get round to doing. Even though life is very busy and hectic right now keeping a record of what life is like right now seems very important.  Its not the year I had planned.  My youngest started school in September and this was meant to be the year I returned to work among many other things.  But fate intervened and a breast cancer diagnosis put a lot of things on hold. 

  • FormerMember

    hi, i know how you feel this time last year i was the same,my life got turned up side down in a few weeks and its been a roller coaster since,the operation and treatment seem miles away now,i finished my cemo at the end of april ,i did same i had a book an used to write down how i was feelng or what was happening to me ,i think it helped me cope getting it all down on paper,please feel free to message me if you want to talk or just ask questions ,take care norma x