How to cope?

1 minute read time.

Nearly 6 years ago my nan (dad's mums) was diagnosed with cancer, this was a horrific experience for me as I'd never had anyone close to me die. My mum and I and the rest of the family looked after her at our home untill she passed away.

Then last year my other nan (mum's mum) was diagnosed with cancer, she also went to live with my mum and dad and brothers, (i had moved out by this time). From being diagnosed, nan had lived for a few weeks but had the best possible care from everyone especially mum. That was 12 months ago.

Now my own Mum, has recently been diagnosed with cancer, it begun in the cervix and has spread to the lymphnodes, shes been told they will give her a course of radiotherapy to try and shrink / stop the cancer spreading furthur but they will be unable to remove it. Caring for my two nan's who both my mum and I were very close to were the two most awful things that have happened in my life, I just cant understand how life could be so cruel to give my mum of 49 cancer when shes still grieving from the death of her own mum.

Although we have know that mum has had cancer for a few months it was only yesterday we found out that they would not be able to get rid of it. Although I know we need to make the most of the precious time we have left and tke it day by day, my mind cannot stop thinking about the terribe death cancer patients experience and I dont know how on earth I will be able to cope with seeing my mum fade away into a frail and ill person when she is so strong and has been there every minute of every day for me, my brothers and my dad. I cannot comprehend what life will be like without her.
