If You Can Spare Any Prayers And Hopes Please Send Them This Way

3 minute read time.

March 2006 My 34 year old Brother was diagnosied with Bowel Cancer (the day my Daughter was born). He had part of his bowel removed and had a bag for the best part of a year. He recovered well after the treatments and the op he had. In Febuary 2008 my brother got the bad news that he now had lung cancer (i was 5 months pregnant at the time). Again he had an op to remove part of his lung and again he had treatment. He had his sperm frozen as doctors told him that he would not be able to have children. He recoverd well again and in April 2009 he got married. His daughter was born in June 2010 (and he didnt need to use the frozen sperm). His little girl was born 4 months after my mum got diagnosed with breast cancer

My mum 59 found out she had breast cancer Febuary 2010. She has chemo followed by a mastectomy then radio. She recovered really well and was having blood tests and check ups every 6 weeks, then every 3 months.She had a really annoying cough in August 2011 after having a bad cold she was not too bothered about this as whenver she had a cold she had a cough that would linger. After a few weeks i made an appointment for her to go and see a doctor as she still had it, the doctor sent her for an x ray the next day, within 2 days we got a letterl from the cancer unit to go in and see them. It had spread to her lung and her pelvis, because this had happened so soon after the last lot of chemo they said there was nothing they could do. We had another appointment in September and they offerd mum chemo which she started within a week. She didnt hadnt finished a full course when she started getting pains in her leg and was unable to walk well without any pain (she had a fall weeks earlier but hadnt really had any pain) we had doctors out to see her but they were putting it down to the cancer in her pelvis, so they started her on Zometa ( drip to strengthen the bones) 2 days after the drip she could not walk, a trip to causulty confirmed that she had a slight chip in her hip and the cancer had now gone to the bone in her leg. She had an op in November to get a metal rod put into her leg to stop the bone from weakening and snapping. Mum got a bit stronger and was able to start chemo again a week before Christmas. Christmas day mum walked for the first time in months. 3 days after christmas she was advised to stoppped the chemo tablets by the onclogist as he did not think they were working as she developed 2 small lumps on her head and 2 under her arm, and she was being sick. After a brain scan last week it has been confirmed that she has 2 tumours in her brain and she has weeks to live. To prolong her life by weeks they have offered us radio. Hopefully this will start next week. She is currently on steriods.

In October 2011 my unlce my mums brother was diagnosed with 2 cancerous brain tumors a week before this his daughter gave birth to a little boy and named him George (my unlces name). All they could do for my uncle was offer him radiotherapy. He is currenlty on steriods.

In November 2011 my bother found out that its come back in his other lung stomach collon and has gone through the walls they can not operrate and he is currently waiting to see weather they can start chemo.

No one can beleive this is happening to us. Every day the question WHY US goes through my head. WHY GOD WHY!!

3 people from such a close family....it may be so we can deal with it all togther at the same time. I just want to scream and shout and kick and rip.

i just typed that, so i could myself, see it written down just to see if i could yet after all these months and pain actually beleive it. But still cant


  • FormerMember

    Oh Laouralou what a terrible time you and your family are having and all of us ask that question -  WHY?

    There is no answer that anyone can give you and there is no rhyme or reason to it.

    All we can do is off you our love and support here in Macland whenever you need it.  Also have you contacted Macmillan for support.  I think it may help you and your family to seek some form of support from them as you are all going through such a tough time at the moment.

    Wanting to scream and shout and kick off is a natural reaction and I find it helps if you can find somewhere deserted and do just that.  (There is a woodland walk near where I live that is always deserted at this time of year and I have found myself down there shouting and screaming at a god I don't believe in on several occasions since my brother was diagnosed terminal).

    Sending you all my love and hugs,

    Nin xxxx