My Babes is in remission!!!!!!!!

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Dear all,

I don't often write blogs as I still can't quite get this new site the old one was much easier for me but still. The reason for me writting this blog is that after 6weeks radiotherapy, 2 lots of brain surgery and 10 mothes chemo my husbands scans are clear of all cancer!!!.

We were told that Tom had only 6monthe's to a year left to live  because he has the worst type of tumour which is a Gliobastoma grade 4 so to have this news on thursday was incredible for us all this could give us another 1-3 years together who knows? I am just so grateful to all those who saved his life, I also hope that this news may give hope to those that have the same condition as Tom's.

Love and positve thoughts to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
