Help Needed

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Hi Everybody This my first Blog is there anybody that can give any advise or pearls of wisdom to help me as my husband Tom has just been diagnosed with a brain tumour called Glioblastoma multiforme grade 4.and will have radio and chemotherapy for 6 weeks. Our daughter is getting married on september the 5th 09.will he be well enough to be there after treatment? he looks so well at the moment you would not know anything was wrong with him he has started decorating the front of the house for the wedding! Christine.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    I am pretty new to all this, but as far as I know everyone reacts differently to treatment, my dad just finished his first dose of chemo last week, and my mum told me yesterday he was out cutting the grass and hedge!   mind you he was jiggered after it!    So, I guess depending on how your husband is, I think the worse worry would be how soon the wedding is after his chemo as his emmune system will be low and if he is among a lot of people?    But I'm sure there are other more experienced posters who will no doubt let you know as soon as they read this!

    Hope all goes well with the wedding!

    Netty x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Netty,

    Thank you for your message it really helped to know that it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom especially as you say your father was out cutting the grass ! I have spent most of the morning chasing up the oncology team to see when he will start treatment not knowing also is driving me nuts! but atleast sorting things out keeps me focused for the moment.


    Christine x