Oral thrush along with diarrhoea!

1 minute read time.

I wasn't well on Thursday evening. I went to bed feeling sick with a headache. I suspected I had oral thrush because my tongue was very pale and the usual post EC chemotherapy taste was very different, everything tasted bitter and sour. On Friday I had some bran flakes for breakfast, more out of necessity than hunger, so that I could take some painkillers. My husband and sister-in-law tried four chemists and they were all were out of stock on over the counter oral thrush treatments. I had to go to the surgery at 4pm for my B12 injection (another side effect is that I'm B12 deficient) and the nurse said the Dr would be able to do a prescription, IF I could get an appointment. As I felt quite weak I asked her to check my blood pressure and it was very low at 88/60. She said drink plenty of water, and to be fair, because I'd felt ill, I was avoiding eating and drinking. I was really lucky to get an appointment with the doctor for Saturday morning. When I got home I went for a lie down then had two bouts of diarrhoea...I felt even worse! During the night I took 2 x Solpadiene Max, even though I know it should be taken with food. I just was hoping for some sleep. I didn't eat any breakfast before going to the doctor at lunchtime, the sour taste was unbearable. The good news was that my blood pressure had returned to normal and he did me a prescription. I forced down a Complan sachet as I thought I'd better have something before going to Boots. I've managed to fit in 3 treatments today and I'm hoping by the end of tomorrow there will be some sign of improvement. I've a headache again this evening, but will try and manage without more tablets. I've got my neuropathy socks on and taken 2 x gabapentin. I will leave off the senna for now! Hoping for a better day tomorrow. 
