Multiple diagnosis that even WebMD would struggle to come up with..

1 minute read time.

So my mum Bev has a bit of a habit of putting things off until the last minute, if procrastination was a sport she'd probably be the World Champion.

So when she actually acts on something the first time around, you know it's pretty important. About 2 or so years ago she mentioned that she was having a dull chest pain that came and went, "Have you booked in to see the GP?" "Yes, actually!". 

And she had, and she went. 

"So, what did she say?".


That time around the medical advise was the cause was likely her bra. Bev has rather a large bust you see, and apparently her underwire may have been the cause of her discomfort. 


A few months go by, the pain comes back, off she trots to the GP. This time it's a chest infection, here's some pills - jobs a good'in. 


A few more months pass, the pain is back and now there's phlegm. ohh obviously it must be silent pneumonia! Here's more pills, that'll sort you out. 


A few more months pass, she's back in at the GP's. This time it's fungal infection on her lungs. Here's some more pills... 


By this point, poor Bev is so fed up with the pain and the multiple diagnosis that even WebMD would struggle to come up with. So she puts up with the discomfort. More months pass, and she's building up a tolerance to the pain by now. She's a tough cookie is Bev. 

But then suddenly Bev wasn't able to eat properly. She started being sick right after eating the small amounts she could manage. "Have you booked in to see the GP?" "Yes, actually!". 


And she had, and she went. 


"So, what did she say?".


Apparently it could be acid re-flux this time. But this time Bev isn't going to be fobbed off. She demands to be referred to a specialist now. She knows she's not well now. Rather begrudgingly the GP consents, albeit with the retort of "Well there's only a 5% chance this is anything serious, like cancer"


And since then, our comprehension of the size of 5% has never been the same.  
