results in two days

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still dont know how i'm feeling,dont know how i'm s'posed to feel after being told i possibly have a small breast cancer,which will be confirmed i go to work or not? will i hold it together at work?my thinking is the nice doctor wouldnt of said i have a small cancer if she hadnt been sure,i'm scared then i feel ok and then i down again

  • FormerMember

    For what it's worth, I think staying positive / acting normal is the hardest thing to do when living with or even waiting for diagnosis. Up and down is certainly how I felt when I first found out, and when waiting to hear about the next step or result. It's a journey, a battle!

  • FormerMember

    thankyou for your comment and yes  trying to stay positve and acting normal is hard, I have decided to go to work tomorrow,dont know how i will be hopefully it will help ,its just the waiting. W ill find out on friday and then will have to deal with it , and its so surreal !

  • FormerMember

    It is a relief to read that others are finding it difficult to deal with the information they have been given. I have just had a hysterectomy and apendix removal following the removal of a boderline ovarian cyst. I am now waiting to hear the results of the biopsy - to see if there are any cells (i'm not sure that's the right word!) affecting the stomach area. I am lucky to be recovering from the operation at home and being looked after so I can just submerse myself in tv and books. I am anxious to receive my results but also terrified. My anxiety increases when I think about having to go back to work in a few weeks and sometimes even the thought of simple things (like going to the supermarket) scare me. Danicat, I think you are immensely brave and I hope it has all gone well for you today. Apologies if I have just come on here and whinged about my own problems when yours appear more significant. (I have not spoken to family and friends about my anxiety as I do not wish to worry them)

  • FormerMember

    after friday much of the weekend has been a blur,having two of my grandchildren yesterday took my mind off my results i was given on friday. My results were invasive B5b carcinoma i have to have a lumpectomy if thats the right word and then radiotherpy,also some lypm glands remove to see if IT is there. This morning i was crying ,why me , first time i've really let go infront of my husband. Slight like you, i now anxious and terrified about the results after i have my lumpectomy ,i'm told cos It is small likely it wont be anywhere else.Slight i have told my family and they are a great support and slowly now telling my friends and work mates,i work in a supermarket and i going to find it hard to go back next week,i'm on holiday right now, it has helped me by talking to those that are close to me as upsetting has its been for them and me. I really dont want to go though these next weeks ,i am scared but somehow got to be strong, hope all goes well for you slight x