
  • Happy tears


    Had a most delightful text message from Sascha today - her daughter (she is a pupil at the school I used to work in where Sascha still works) has had a collection for me at the school!! And they want to know what I would like!! How sweet is that?! I was too gobsmacked and goosebumpy to think about what might be nice ... Sascha asked if I'd like a tattoo, but I don't know if I am brave enough these days ... I…

  • Making some plans but not others


    Missed an entry last night, as I went to the PTA AGM. Wow I know how to party! :)

    So I've been busy in work, arranging meetings with people who want to form links or hire our rooms etc, and some fun stuff such as planing the Xmas Fayre Fundraiser. I DO like my job, and feel very lucky that I do!

    We have booked a holiday for March, as I am hoping that all treatments will be well and truly over by then.…

  • Ooh, that was fun!


    Well I started the day by being in work, but getting more excited and slightly nervous about meeting a member of my Macland family , in PERSON!!

    I had to go to hospital today to have Boob Tubes flushed, and LM told me she was going htere too, and,,,, at the same time lol!

    Too good an opportunity to miss and now we've done it I want to meet all of you so LM will have to get this Group Meet event sorted heehee!!

  • bristly?


    I have just shaved all my hair - well, the sparse tufty bits that were hanging on - off. I borrows a friends hair clippers. How weirdly liberating in a arrgghh I'm bald isn't it quite amusing in an odd way!! :D

    We got the new expresso/cappuchino machine working this evening - no LM, it's NOT red and shiny like yours, its black and shiny, which I guess matches the slow cooked Hehehehe! - and it's very fast! No…

  • Cooking? Nope, hippy rambling alert


    Catering must be in the air - picked up a free Delonghi expresso/cappuchino coffee machine today from the fab Freecucle :)

    I've been veering between wanting to be treated as normal with no fussing to feeling slightly miffed at some absent folk ... now, there are not many of them I must say, just one or two, but it's all about lessons for us all, and some paths are not going to travel along together all the time, eh?…