unco-operative piping

1 minute read time.

So went for bloods today. My 'positional' tubes which have caused a little difficulty before played up big time today and they had to resort to taking bloods from my arm as none would come out from the tubes, despite them asking me to put arms above head, try coughing, deep breaths, lying flat, standing up....... NO said the tubes! Then the nurse tried removing the stitch (the 3 weeks since having tubes inserted is up... REALLY??) but it was partly stuck to the scab so when she pulled............ OUCH! I wanted to cry even though it wasn't THAT painful, but the wibbly bit of me was threatening to come out again ;)

The deputy sister asked if I was ok as I didn't look as perky as usual and asked if I had had any more upsets since last Monday, and I said yes, on Sunday... she said she thought so and had I booked to see the psychologist yet? She's a canny lass ;)) I originally asked to see her so I could refer the kids but I think I may need someone neutral to 'vent' to as well!

Bumped into the local lady with breast cancer today - scarf wrapped round her shaved head - had a chat about a foot in both worlds, normal world and cancer world, about how you have your head around it yet you don't ... good to touch base with someone face-to-face who can relate -  just as fab as talking to you lovely lot :)

So, if no phone call to say bloods not up enough, its chemo #3 at 11am tomorrow. Got a new book that Sascha has loaned me........

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems, hope chemo goes ahead tomorrow and I wish you all the very best.

    Just remember to rest when you can. You must be sick hearing that by now lol.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Christine!

    No, I like being looked after :D Hope YOU are resting too... I am off to bed now, don't be long yourself lol!

    Love n Hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    All the best and good luck for tomorrow.  My thoughts are with you tonight.  All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    Sounds awful - so much for the convenience of the Hickman line!  Don't know who it's convenient for, but it doesn't sound like it's you.

    I have chemo 3 tomorrow (Thursday) so will be waiting for a call today.  Hope everything goes well for you and the line works the way it's supposed to!

    Take care, lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarsfield..... Thank You! You take care too xxxx

    Ann - the flush was going in, but not much blood would come out!! At least the ABVD will go in today, not had a call to say Don't go in yet anyhoo, so hopefully bloods were fine and things go ahead as planned.

    Chemo 3 in the same week as me...

    Good luck with your call, and will be thinking of YOU tomorrow! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx