Roller Coaster

1 minute read time.

No, not a very cheerful one.......!

This morning I nearly gave up on having a bath. Why? Because I'd have to to make sure it wasn't too deep and wear a necklace to tuck my tubes into and even then wash very carefully to not get too much of anything medical very wet... and I was tired of feeling knackered and I was all grumpy an dfeeling sorry for myself (no, really?! I hear you cry!) ........

So I lay on my bed and read a book (reading a fab one right now called House Of Sleep) to ease myself into a different mood... and then got up and said ''no way is this getting me down!" and enjoyed a very nice bath and laughed at all the bits tucked in and not getting wet stuff :)

Progressive tiredness is what it must be eh? You lot warned me about that, thankfully I haven't been vomiting etc, of which I am very grateful!

Went to my mums for lunch which was very nice but I wasn't really 'there', and then my lovely stepdad gave me a gift of ... a slow cooker! Um, it's great for cooking red meat in but I only buy chicken, which needs to be added later, so maybe it will work out ok if the veg is all cooked during the day?? I have no idea, being kitchen-appliance un-savvy! ;)

Needing more sleep now, so catch you all tomorrow...


  • FormerMember


    Judy is all keen to get a slow cooker. I have no idea why. Damned if I'm getting up early in the morning to put it on for the evening meal! Plus I don't eat meat at all. Still ... it's the thought that counts, and your stepfather probably thought it would help make cooking easier for you.

    I started out tired all the time - and have already once or twice been too tired to take a bath, smelly person that I am - whatever am I going to be like after a few more chemos?! It's questions like this that keep life interesting, although I use 'interesting' in its 'may you live in interesting times' context here.

    It sounds as if your day got better after a bad start, so yay! for that. And we should always be thankful for the absence of vomit. To think that until now I took not-vomiting for granted! Never again.

    *more hugs*


  • FormerMember

    I had the greater part of 2 years with that blasted thing and the joy when you lose it....the first thing i did after stitches out, a proper lie-in bath with bubbles and covering my boobs! Something to look forward to. Just think though my love that it will be worth it when the b****** is gone.

    Just go with the flow as far as tiredness concerned... Does it matter if you take a nap midday???

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi my lovely beloved special one.... it is crap and I sympathise and as i said it is almost worth having it for the day they take it out cos that joy is something else!!!!

    Biggest kug fug bug lug dug tug hugs to you ever. I haven't managed to put your number into my phone yet but will do soon and then silly texts to keep you happy.

    Chemo is crap and we all hate it and here's to it being over soon and it does kind of do the job so maybe worth it in the end.

    Hang on in there cos you are doing so so so well and bug hugs coming your way..

    Off to get a pizza cos still got no cooker.

    Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    ps phew that took some finding! this site is not easy at all....

  • FormerMember

    Hilary - we certainly DO live in interesting times!!! Thank you for the hugs,and here's to remainign vomit-free!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Ah dearest Stinker - I love that nickname! - I nap whenever I can, oh yes I have grown to love it - oh I can't wait for the day it goes but I'm also weirdly quite fond of it coz it keeps me from being jabbed too often lol! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    LM ....  it's true, chemo does what it says on the tin, so let's just keep it going til it's not needed anymore eh? ;) We had pizza this evening, I bought some veg to pu tin slow cooker from tomorrow but I am too knackered to chop it all up LOL!

    Big Huge Nug Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx