PETs, but not small furry ones

1 minute read time.

Today I mostly ate cupcakes. For charity of course :))

Went and had Boob Tube flushed. Kay the nurse managed to get some blood out of it today but only by me standing up, taking deep breaths, then coughing then swinging my arm around. Which was needed after those cupcakes I expect. Saw Gwen the non-stop talking lady there (did I not mention her last week??) who told me all about her sandwiches from Waitrose. :)

Got home to my bathroom taps having been fixed by Ian Glanusk Fixing Man. And my mum having ordered a shedful of logs. Huzzah! And, a letter from GP asking me to go in and see him. Guessing its about my diagnosis and him wanting to catch up. He has some catching up to do! And then a phone-call from the Heath hospital in Cardiff, saying my PET scan is next Tuesday! 10am. Once I'm injected with radioactive stuff I have to sit as still as possible for 1 and half hours, so taking books! Then I get scanned in a bigger version of the giant polo I went in when I had the CT scan. Then I have to avoid physical contact with children or pregnant people for 6 hours from start of injection, so can't hug my kids immediately after school :( Then, ta da dah... waiting for results , again!

Then, I went to a public meeting with some weirdos from the council who did a very good job of pretending to listen to us parents about why they must NOT close down our kids' primary school... dunno what I said but the local journo came up and asked me and Liz for our phone numbers  -  uh-oh! ;)

Now..............bed... sleep. yum................. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    You, sitting still for an hour??? fat chance. Have they got the chains and straps ready? Better give your girls extra hugs the day before eh?

    Good luck with it. Do you  know when you get the results?

    Oh, Ems, play the cancer card with the school!! I dare you...brave cancer fighter mum walks her kids to local school..... what will happen to them if it closes? etc (you know the kind of thing, mind you there will be the head tilts etc which are annoying) Gotta be perks to this disease so shiny things and milking it in the papers... ha ha

    Anyway, lets see if it lets me post this and the biggest bug hugs and cwtches to you and I will try and get on at some point to say hi next week

    Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    ps it would be really cool if you did come to visit me when I have my op cos the hospital is so far away from my home that I don't get many visitors and I get to meet you in person, but you must wear your spotty mac please. Though I think it will be months away so no need to get excited just yet!

  • FormerMember

    Oi you, like YOU'D know how to sit still either! :D No idea when results are, a tiny bit of me hopes it will be only two more chemos after the one on Wednesday but I know it could be more ;)

    I have considered that - local rag calls me up, brave cancer mum distraught over callous council.... oh yes we could have so much fun with that!!!

    I WILL come and see you, absolutely, and bring you silly hospital gifts :D

    Do try to get online when moving/unpacking tho of course YOU will be sitting down , right?!

    Huge Bug Hugs and cwtchs and love and loud raspberries


  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the PET scan. I had to lie for an hour but could go to the loo if I needed to. I wasn't allowed books, but was told to take CDs if I wanted, and was lovely lying in a dimly lit room chilling to my choice of music. They also played the CD while I was in the scanner. Also you will probably find that you continue chemo for the full course as they like to make sure that they have zapped all the bastards!

    Will be thinking of you.... xxx