Ooh, that was fun!

1 minute read time.

Well I started the day by being in work, but getting more excited and slightly nervous about meeting a member of my Macland family , in PERSON!!

I had to go to hospital today to have Boob Tubes flushed, and LM told me she was going htere too, and,,,, at the same time lol!

Too good an opportunity to miss and now we've done it I want to meet all of you so LM will have to get this Group Meet event sorted heehee!!

So, having swapped some details about height, hair colour or in my case, colour of headwear, and some clothing etc, we realised we could cover most shades of the rainbow and would be very unlikely to miss each other :) And we met, and hugged, and I had a pressie!! How lovely was that?! And we nattered and laughed for two whole hours until the cafe volunteer ladies shut up shop! Although we had to try not to laugh too hard to LM's wiggly bits didn't fall back out............. and one of the nicest bits was that it felt right to do it despite being mad too, nd we could easily slip from one topic to another whether it was shiny new bracelets, annoying people at work, cancer stuff, or kids and back again :))

And I had a little smile all the way home.



  • FormerMember

    How very exciting and good you both had a fun time in a hospital of all places haha

    take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    So lovely that you both got to meet.....good job you didn't meet in a pub, otherwise P and your girls would be sending out a search party!


  • FormerMember

    Well ems,

    Breakfast at Tiffany's may have more cache, but it seem Coffee at Hosee worked for you both.

    Glad you both enjoyed it, may there be many more.

    Hugs to both


    xxx xxx


  • FormerMember

    Out of everyone in the hospital we had the most colours on and the most laughs!

    It was weird... and fun. I still can't quite get the Ems on here and the Ems there as the same picture in my mind, but getting there and it was fun and made what might have been a gloomy day at the gloomy hospital fun. (the cancer hospital is not gloomy the normal one is a bit)

    Nice to meet you Ems ha ha Wear your tiara! and glad you smiled all the way home.

    I felt a bit guilty when I said i had been at the hospital all afternoon to colleagues at the parents eve and they did the awww poor you snigger snigger

    Too tired now gotta go to slepp

    bug hugs xxxxxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Mad bints! Did you notice any of the people around you wearing sunglasses? Glad you both had fun - if you can have a laugh in a hospital you definitely bonded! When's the next one? Will you be inviting the rest of our Welsh brethren?

    Ann x