Cooking? Nope, hippy rambling alert

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Catering must be in the air - picked up a free Delonghi expresso/cappuchino coffee machine today from the fab Freecucle :)

I've been veering between wanting to be treated as normal with no fussing to feeling slightly miffed at some absent folk ... now, there are not many of them I must say, just one or two, but it's all about lessons for us all, and some paths are not going to travel along together all the time, eh? :)

Along the way, over lots of years now, I've been blessed with some damn good friends, old and new, so ... thank you all :))

So, off to experiment with coffees and cookers and be thankful for all the good stuff and all the bumpy stuff, coz that bring more good stuff if you listen hard enough ;)

  • FormerMember

    Freecycle is good xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I want to be treated as normal, but with added flowers and choklit ... does that make me a bad person ...??

    Seriously: when I had the breathing problem, things were so far from normal that I couldn't even see it on the horizon, but now I'm down to (mostly) manageable pain and (liveable-with) tiredness, and I'd rather like my visitors to talk about something other than cancer once in a while.

    With choklit.

    At least I'm getting visitors! Most people seem to have clicked that cancer /= leprosy.

    Mmmmmm. Posh coffee. I'm off to make myself a cup of Kenco. Sigh!


  • FormerMember

    Glad you were listening to teacher My's assembly and finding the good in bumpy! You see, without bumps you would not have had fug lug bug hugs from me haha!

    Ha ha joining me on the posh coffee front too! Is it red and shiny like mine?

    Here's to love and bumpy roads....

    Little My xxxx

    ps I'm at work he he snigger naughty me...

  • FormerMember

    Get back to work LM !

    Coffee and choklit I like.... coffee and choklit baggy doesn't like :-(

    I truly believe some people I knew thought cancer was contagious, cos I never heard or saw from them until I was back on my feet. Then I gave them both barrells (shotgun metaphor, hope it didn't go over your head) and most I never saw them again.

    Tight lines

    Tim xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Freecycle is great isn't it? I'm often amazed at what people are prepared to give away &  I've found loads of takers every time I've offered stuff. 

    I had a cafetiere once but in the end I couldn't be ***ed to faff about with filters so I gave it away. (I'd got it with coupons they gave away in fag packets, naughty me, so it hadn't cost me anything - not in money, anyway. The fags themselves though - well, that's why I'm here, I suppose ...).

    Anyway, I'm glad you've got some good friends. You only need one, really; two's great, & any more than that's sheer luxury. Because, as other people have noted, the fairweather types just fade away, or make idiots of themselves with their insincerity, nosiness, silly questions & dumb comments. And there are plenty of those types.

    My beloved has been given presents of tomatoes, ham, blueberries, cucumbers, basmati rice, chick peas, in fact foods of almost every kind, nearly every morning by the man who owns & runs our corner shop. Neighbours have given us homegrown strawberries, rhubarb, lettuces; we've been truly spoiled since I got cancer.

    But I don't  want to be treated as delicate/special all the time  - only when it suits me!

    Take care, Love & hugs,

    Annie  xxx