child-free day

1 minute read time.

Lurched out of bed at 5.40am, managed to get one 6 yr old and two 13 yr olds out of the house by 6.40 in time to get on a bus at 6.50, all excitedly off to legoland.

Back to bed then for me til 9.30, then lay on sofa drinking tea. Managed to get my glad rags on in time to meet my friend L for lunch... baguettes and chips yumyum! Then we drifted about the village and peered into various shops, and then I found what I have been after for weeks - a mac. LOL! I have winter coat, wool coats, cardigans galore, but nothing waterproof apart form my walking-up-mountains-storm-proof-not very-sexy-coat. SO today I found a bright green, dotty type mac which is fabric but lined and waterproof, (100% organic cotton PU coating??) half price in the sale, last one there and NOT a size bloody 10 LOL! Big enough for my volumptuous hips and boobs, and does up and everything ;) I love being girlie sometimes!

Back to sofa for more napping, now munching on "Convivial Yorkshire Crisps", cheeses and apple chutney with cider, bought for me by my eldest's B/F (I think his mum may have helped?!), and ready to dash out in half an hour to pick up happy and very tired people off a bus.............. and tomorrow we get Sunday Lunch at my mum's! Bliss, what a weekend! ;)


  • FormerMember

    You go girl !!!!!

    You have had a much better day than me, and a new mac...dinner with mum tomorrow just to finish it off. :) :) :)

    You deserve it too x x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Shaz I loved it, well overdue, but - why is your day not to good?? tell me, and sending HUGS xxx

  • FormerMember

    Wow, Ems, Like the sound of the mac.. dotty is dotty and spotty and makes you smile in the rain.. i like spotty dotty. And thank goodness you live in Wales as you will get plenty of opportunity to wear it ha ha ha she says looking out at the massive rain clouds over your way (and here of course)

    Hope the girls enjoyed Legoland (as if they wouldn't!) and glad you had a nice day and make sure you put your feet up tomorrow- play the cancer card and don't offer to wash up etc.

    Rest inbetween eh? Don't want you wearing yourself out....

    Biggest hug to my Welsh Cariad cwtches (sp?) to you..

    Little My xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Exactly, here in Wales there are PLENTY of opportunities to wear it, and it IS delightful :)

    I pick them up at 8.30 now not 7 - on lordy will my 6 yr old be tired lol! I will offer my daughters' services for washing up, heehee!

    Being out for 3 hours, although only one was walking around, wore me out! But I did sleep on sofa, I am getting very good at snoozing you'll be pleased to hear... but lunch was at the place my P works, so got to stare at his bum whilst he worked ... I hasten tot add, it was a covered bum, no naked restaurant managers here! Hmmmmm, now THERE'S an idea ............

    Yes it is spelt right! HUGE cwtchs to you! xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    It was a NORMAL day ha ha :)

    Just boring food shopping......packing it...carting it back to the car...unpacking it........

    Thanks for the hugs though, always welcome.

    Big hug for you too xxx

    Talking of bums..went to a party that had a naked butler...very cheeky but nice :)