
Less than one minute read time.

I think I will give up on the history in jotting down. S I’ve had no interactions so it feels pointless. 

  • Hello  

    I am so sorry you think it pointless in recording your journey - some of us read every blog entry and follow your story. It's quite possible many people don't interact on a blog but find it useful to read and a great help to know what to expect in the future.

    I have a different cancer but I find it very interesting to read how others have coped with their personal journey - so keep blogging - you are doing great.

    Best wishes - Brian.

  • I’ll keep it going Ok hand

  • That's great - not only does it help others, I am sure you have a feeling of satisfaction in writing the blog. I keep thinking I should have started one but - 32 months into a 36 month "curative pathway" I feel it's a little late!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

  • Yes I have the same tumour type as you - I appreciate it, please keep going! I am 6 months into TMZ now, 6 more to go if all goes well.