1-5-2024 germs

Less than one minute read time.

After two rounds of anti biotics. And act to check my lungs. Ask seems ok. Must have given a point of blood. And cannulas are a pain. MRI tomorrow. Don’t know why I do this blog as no seems to read it

  • Hello, glad to hear that your lungs appear OK? I'm not sure what the various act/ask's mean? I write down what I experience because it helps me to manage what is happening to me. It does not help the illness but it seems to help me to describe what is going on and how I feel. I am sharing my writing with a small number of friends and also on this site. Sometimes, people do comment on what I post, and sometimes they don't. Are you getting all the support you need? I am leaning on friends and family all the time, and they seem really happy to help. I feel really lucky and while I am having a really bad time with my cancer, I have never felt alone. Cannulas can be awkward, have you had an MRI before? In my experience, really straightforward - possibly my favourite of the scans! Good luck.


    Hi - I can see from the blog stats that 70 odd people read each of your posts.  I am on a laptop using chrome.  I go to the macmillan  online community, click on the Blogs menu, then the black pencil icon in the top left corner on the green bar.  I've attached a picture of it here.  Click on that and your viewing numbers are shown there. 

    Not many people reply  to blogs - they are often regarded as a diary.   Where as the groups are seen as discussions.  

  • Yeah plenty of MRIs and cannulas. All fun. I have lots of support too, so I feel lucky as there are many who have no one

  • I always use my iPhone. So that is interesting thanks