The battle continue's

1 minute read time.

I did not think I would be back here. I actually thought I was cured. I was wrong. I saw my consultant last Thursday. she told me that the dead tissue they had found was In fact a tumour. four TURBT'S IN TEN MONTH'S. six week's of radiotherapy. all a waste of time. I agreed at the outset to have my bladder removed. now they are talking about salvage surgery. the removal of my bladder. If this had been done at the outset everything else would have been avoided. the cost of the treatment's I've endured must be thousand's. all a waste of tax payer's money. It's no wonder the health service Is In trouble. we are now back at square one 

I now have to go to UCHL on Friday for assessment to see If I am fit enough to undergo this procedure. I feel fit and well considering all I've been through these past ten month's. I thought I was over the worst. but It seem's the worst Is yet to come. 2014 has been the most traumatic time In my life. I hope by having my bladder removed thing's will Improve. I'm not happy about having a bag for the rest of my life but If having the bag mean's that I will not have to keep getting up In the night to go to the toilet. then that Is a plus for the bag. I've not had a decent night's sleep In such a long time. another plus Is no more TURBT'S or Cystoscopy's. no more catheter's. 

The dragon live's to fight another day. I have also been given this favour. this chance. I will meet him. I will face him. one more battle. let the battle begin. unto death I will fight thee.

  • FormerMember
    "It is not the day you have to manage but the moment. : It is not the dragon you have to slay but the fear. : It is not the path you have to know but the destination" : Hang on in there bud, you can win this battle xx