Post Cancer

1 minute read time.

Since I've become this "other person" "post cancer" I've noticed change's. pre cancer I liked to read. I read a lot every night for at least 3hr's. I practiced my yoga every day for at least an hour. I went out walking every day. and then In October last year the cancer hit me hard and quick. from December until February It was hospital's. Newham. Bart's. the Royal London for various operation's seven In all "I have one more coming up In two week's time" In April and May It was radiotherapy six week's all this happened so quick. I can't seem to get back to where I were mentally. my mind Is still jammed up. whenever I'm alone It all come's flooding back. I find myself going over and over those month's. just as I'm getting ready to sleep It's there. I even dream about It. there's no escape. If I have to go anywhere on bus'es or train's there's always advert's saying "together we can beat cancer" last night there was nothing to watch on TV so I settled down for casualty. and guess what It was about a man with terminal cancer. I'm sick of It. It's everywhere.

I'm always worrying that It could return. or It could be something else. like dementia or diabetes I'm at that age now when the body start's to wear down. I've already got heart problem's genetic "thank's mum" kidney problem's.  I left school at 15yr's and worked continually from 1966 until 2009 my plan was to work until I was 70yr's old. I always thought I would live to well Into my 90's now that thought fill's me with dread. another 30yr's! It would probably be nothing but hospital appointment's and being taken to them In a wheelchair. as I said once before the real me Is gone I don't think he will ever return. everything that led up to the moment I was told that I had cancer and I mean everything from the time I was born was destroyed In that moment. I'm not that person any more

  • FormerMember
    Oh bud, how often do I go over and over those terrible treatment weeks! I had concurrent RT and chemo for six weeks. That was six months ago, and it still haunts me. I can't seem to leave it behind. I want to forget it and get on with my life, but the memories just won't go away. And even when you do manage to forget about it you come across an advert about cancer which makes you remember. A well meaning person the other day introduced me to his sister. Apparently she had cancer some years ago so obviously we have something in common!! Ye gods do other peoples minds work? I smiled sweetly, had a brief discussion and excused myself. We become a 'new normal'. I don't like this new normal. I am always at the hospital for something or another, I have pain in the treatment area every day, and my life emotionally is far from normal, new or otherwise! I can only hope that over time we accept the new us, and like grief, time is a good healer. Like you I have another procedure coming up in two weeks time. The last for a while I hope. I hope everything goes well for you. Let us hope that as time goes on we get acceptance of who we are now. I don't think the real you has gone forever, but we have to find that inner peace to know who we are now. We all change as life goes on, unfortunately cancer forces us to change when we don't want to. I hope your op goes well and I send you strength to cope with whatever life throws at you xxx