I know I said goodbye.

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I know I said goodbye. and at the time I meant It. but I can't help myself. maybe It's because on this site we all have one thing In common "Cancer" we all know the shock and horror of being told "I'm sorry you have cancer" we all know the fear. straight away I thought god I'm going to die. telling my daughter's was very hard. one of my daughter's live's In New Zealand she was home within the week having got the mayor of Keri Keri Involved getting her visa rushed through. thankfully I'm fine now It's checkup's every three month's and I have to go to pre op next week. they are replacing the stent's In my kidney's hopefully that will be my last procedure. everything Is looking good. I just hope It stay's that way.

  • FormerMember
    Welcome back Mr Michael !! When the going gets tough, the tough get going. But you don't have to get going when it's all too much. Just take a time out, have a think and come back when you feel better. You are, like the rest of us, tough. We have to be to get through this. There are some really sad stories here and they make you sad and wish you could do something to make it all better. There are also some very inspiring and courageous stories, and they make you smile and spur you on. What would Phillipa Gregory make of it all I wonder! I love her writings, and am obsessed with royal line. How did they cope with cancer in the middle ages. They would not have known what it was, and if you survived past 40 in those days you were doing well!!. Like you I have been given the all clear. Let's pray to the almighty that we stay that way. Sending you some sparkly Bud, to keep you cheerful :-)) xxx
  • FormerMember
    Ooops! Don't know how I posted that twice. Can't seem to edit or delete it :-(