How it all began...

2 minute read time.

It is actually strange how this all started, because at first it had nothing to do with cancer at all, well so we thought. Just before xmas 2012, my gran had a stumble down a flight of stairs, bumping her head,face and pride. After hours of speaking to her i eventually managed to get her to go to the doctors to be checked over. At the doctors after investigation the doctor decided to send her home to rest and make an apt with the optician as he thought she was showing signs of having a cataracts in her left eye. Eventually after weeks of waiting we got an apt with the optician who agreed with the doctor and referred my gran to the hospital to have her cataracts removed during day surgery. So in January this year my gran went to hospital to have her cataracts removed while yielding what we thought was a chest infection but the surgeon agreed to go ahead with the cataract surgery. After the surgery, at home we watched grans chest infection get worse instead of better, until one morning my aunty called me in tears that her mum couldnt breath and she was stuck at work would i go to my gran. Off course i set off straight away, and on arrival gran was a little better, but i decided that she needed a house visit anyway as i wasnt happy with the way things were. When the doctor arrived he decided to admit gran to hospital with a suspected heart attack, so since the ambulance was going to be 3 hours we drove gran to a & e, this was an extremely long drawn out day for all. But after loads of tests the doctors found clots in grans lungs and decided to investigate further. And at this stage gran was started on fragmin injections to help try and break up the clots. From here there was scans done, blood tests etc and results showed gran had Liver Cancer, so doctors then decided that the would do and endoscopy and colonoscopy to help them find out if the liver was primary or secondary cancer. On doing these tests they discovered a mass in grans colon which they said would have been the primary cancer which made the liver secondary. On going to there monthly staff meeting they decided that the cancer was to far advanced to have the bowel operation and the colostemy bag fitted, and said we could take gran home and they would contact us with an appointment when they knew what stage the cancer was at and what sort of treatment(s) they could offer. And, that is how we discovered my gran had cancer....
