
1 minute read time.

I have a lot to celebrate and unexpectedly because I was a dyslexic trouble rowser at school (intelligent I like to think besides, but not shiny enough to be bright!).  Now I am almost ten years after breast cancer, at an age and a stage when I can do what I want to, and I feel like I may have been right from the start?  Follow your dreams; they are probably your destiny!  The more I talk about cancer the more people want to, who would have thought it?  Let’s make this a special year – I hope that the challenges of 2015 will just be those you have chosen to take up!

I'm starting to think my track could be right,

A whimsical fairy that aspired to fight,

The silence we've held too long through the night,

The truth in the tumour a triumph...


At school I was witty but wayward I fear,

Undiagnosed word blind (that bodged my career)

And a passion for fashion, it's downhill from here,

The truth in the tumour a triumph...


I found sound employment with teamwork to train,

And from there a tambourine in hand again,

I started an ignorance bashing campaign,

The truth in the tumour a triumph...


Now working with people who know how I feel,

And some published poets do take me for real,

And Macmillan's a marvellous worthy appeal,

The truth in the tumour a triumph...
