So tired.......

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Hi everyone.. wow how is it that anyone can feel so tired. I do not know who I am anyymore. Before being diagnosed I was unstoppable but now EVERYTHING is an effort and I yawn constantly which must be really annoying for the person I am talking to at times.  My question should be a simple one but I know it isnt really!! But can anyone throw me a lifeline and tell me WHEN WHEN I might feel like me again, WHEN I will stop feeling so tired and so exhuasted and WHEN I wont feel so alone at times.  I was diagnosed March 2011. Had surgery, finished FEC 3 weeks ago and now waiting for Radio to start in the next few weeks. Fortunately (I think) my tumor will not respond to treatments such as Herceptin or the other one(name escapes me) Oh and thats another thing WHEN will I stop forgetting things and get my sharp brain back!! grrrr.  So, if anyone of you lovely ladies or men can shed any light this would be great appreciated... Much love xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kelly,

    The answer to your question is. How long is a piece of string.  We are all different I used to be the sporting type.

    You name it I done it. But since I finished my radio treatment 12 yrs ago, 36 courses of the stuff. I have no energy what so ever.  But as I say we are all different and

    I had to have my Thyroid gland removed as well, and that

    dosent help.  So I wish you all the best and hope you get back to being yourself again soon.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kelly,

    having been diagnosed at beginning of Aug and having chemo, I totally understand what you are saying!

    My brain is fuzzy too, and yes! Yawning whilst peopel talk to you isn't great!

    But I don't think anyone can give you a ''stop'' date, depends on treatments, how much you rest, how each individual reacts etc.

    So the best I can offer you is - stay on this site, natte rto us lot, vent when you're cross and laugh when you're not. :)

    best of luck

    Ems xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kelly, Totally sympathise on the tiredness. The best advice I was given was not to fight it,  listen to my body and rest as much as possible. Theres a war going on in your body and it needs all the energy it can muster. Housework ect can wait.

    No one can tell you how long it will take to bounce back sadly... But whats happening is completely 'normal' . I had FEC and remember how draining it was . I am having Herceptin now and feel so tired all the time . Hopefully you'll soon gain your strength back .. In the mean time dont be hard on yourself ,People will understand and help

    Good wishes x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Kelly, just read your blog.  Sorry, but I cannot give you the answer to how or when your tiredness will stop - it goes with the territory of cancer.  You still have a way to go in your treatment - radiotherapy can make you even more tired.  You must listen to your body and rest; the housework will have to be left - hard I know.  If  you try and fight your tiredness you could make yourself even more ill so try and go with the flow.  You will get through this and get yourself back, but, right now, you are healing yourself and it takes time.  Try to keep well and listen to  your body.  Ann x