When my heart began to break

2 minute read time.

On November 12th my mum was making home made pickled onions for the first time. She was boiling vinegar and chilli for the onions to go in. The smell of this made my dad feel yukky and this is when the cough first started. The cough carried on and everytime we prompted him to go to a doctor he said no as associated the cough with being because of the boiling vinegar. Then nearly a month ago my mum finally persuaded him to go as he was coughing more. The doctor he saw was not the usual doctor and after listening to his chest and further checks said he had a chest infection and sent him away with antibiotics. This of course did not help and me being the health anxiety person had already googled and was very worried. After the cough did not clear my mum got my dad to make another appointment to see our normal doctor. Well 2 days before the appointment my dad finished work early as we were going to London for my nans birthday. My dad was reading the paper when he coughed and realised he had covered everything with blood. My mum was scared and after ringing the out of hours doctor was told just to see what the doctor said at the appointment made. Well my dad is still coughing up specs of blood. And was reffered for a X-ray on the 28th of February. Later that day my dad was called into the doctors and told he has a large mass on his lung and it was more then likely lung cancer. This news devastated our close family and my dad is still trying to be positive and joking about things tho I see fear in his eyes which breaks my heart. He had his blood taken Wednesday and ct scan Thursday and that is all we know so far. We are now waiting to hear what is going to happen. We are hoping for the best but I can't help but expect the worse it doesn't look good and large mass to be means it has to be bad :((((( Today I saw my dad and took my daughter round therehis colour looked good when I first got there but afte a few hours he looked tired and pale. He still has a appetite and we had some biscuits and he had a kebab for dinner. He coughed a few times while we was there and the cough makes me shudder. So this is pretty much up to date now and I am hoping to offload on here as much as I can to stop the scary thoughts raging in my head. Anyone who has seen my posts will also know that my mum had a ultrasound on Thursday as she has had excess wind and the doctor felt a lump on external examination. So we are also waiting for them results which is making this situation more scary and I fear if it weren't for the anti depressants I would be in a even darker place right now :(
