News today but more confused

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Today my dad had a phonecall from the hospital. He has an appointment Thursday afternoon to have a chat with the doctor :-/ and the doctor may want to do a bronshocopy :( I know this is done to get a biopsy. I feel even more on edge now. The fact the doctor MIGHT want to do a bronschopy tells me that they already have enough evidence of the cancer. I also keep thinking of the words LARGE mass and see this a certainty that it is going to be bad.
  • FormerMember

    Hi knicnic

    Will be thinking about you on Thursday.  I have been keeping up with all your posts and you are in my thoughts quite a lot.  Your feelings and thoughts are very similar to how i felt at the beginning when my husband was getting his results.  My husbands prognosis was not good even if he had treatment so we refused the bronschopy because it was only to see what treatment they would need to use.  We have been to the hospital today just for a routine check up and they are amazed at how well he is.  He is defying all the odds.  Like your dad the only symptom he has is a cough and it is hard to believe he has cancer.  He lost weight in the beginning but has now put over a stone back on.  The tumour has only grown a little and still does not seem to have spread.  We keep making plans for the future and live life as we always have.  Our family has cried buckets of tears but now we are just enjoying the days we have left and trying to make sure we have no regrets or guilt at the end.  He has already lived twice as long as we were initially told so we are celebrating that fact and hope it carries on for as long as possible.

    Thinking of you xx




  • Thank you Linda. It sounds as of your husband is doing really well. What symptoms did your husband have prior to diagnosis? Also why have they said it is terminal? I don't understand and believe sometimes that nothing can be done..... It's probably not wanting to believe I guess but I just hate the word terminal and when a time is put on people's life :( Kirsty x
  • FormerMember

    Symptoms before diagnosis was weight loss and a cough which he had for quite a while.  He had been in hospital last february for something not related and they had done a chest x ray and found something abnormal but this bit i do not believe they said nothing to me (I  say me because my husband has stroke damage and cannot communicate) until i received a letter last july for him to have a follow up x ray from there they did a ct scan which confirmed cancer.  That same day he coughed up blood and that was the first time that had happened.  They said an operation was not on the cards due to the location but how they know its terminal i cannot answer.  They said a broncosopy would confirm which cancer and treatment would give him an extra two to three months but because my husband is not too well we decided to decline treatment.  I find it hard to believe it is true because he is no worse than when first diagnosed infact like i said earlier he has regained weight is in no pain and has had no further bleeds.  It had spread to the lymph glands when they diagnosed it but there is no evidence of any further spread and he has already lived twice as long as they initially said. 

    Your dads case will probably be totally different so please stay positive whatever the tests show.  Even if its bad news there is still hope that your dad will live and stay well for a long time especially if he is given treatment.  My husband is poorly anyway and treatment would have been to traumatic for him.  It sounds like your dad is usually fit and healthy so he has a head start.  Stay positive and do not stop making plans for outings and holidays.  Just carry on as normal and do not dwell on what might be.  I know its hard but that is how i am coping.

    Hope tomorrow gives you some answers.  Please let me know how you go on and feel free to talk anytime.  Thinking of you. xx



  • Thank you Linda. My dad had the bronschopy today, the tumour is large and the doctor is suprised my dad is not showing more symptoms. We have to wait for the biopsy results now and I guess more tests to see where it has spread to. A tumour this size is going to be late stage I fail to see how it can be anything else. The fact there is no cure and only extra time can be bought scares me so much. I may be 26 but I love and need my daddy as much now as I ever have