Monday Monday

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Well this week is going be a very life changing week I feel. Awaiting results from my dads ct scan and for him to have his lung cancer staged, as well as waiting for the results from my mums ultrasound. I have been googling again and scare myself in the low survival rate of lung cancer. I also have been trying to research cyber knife. I am off to the hospital with my husband later he has severe ulcerative colitis and he has a specialist appointment. So what a healthy bunch we are!! I find myself very on edge waiting for news and tried to occupy my mind with work but can't distract myself from horrible thoughts :( I am hoping that by writing down my thoughts it will help me, my counsellor suggested writing things down helps so we will see xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hiya Knicnic,

    My fingers, toes and anything else polssible is crossed for positive results alround. You'll get through it 'cos you simply have got to and here you'll always find lots of encouragement, support and friendship. We all help each other along eh??

    Take care

    Jan x

  • Yes thank you jan, and the group on here seem so much friendlier then those on the cruk forum. Xxx
  • FormerMember

    No getting away from it............. you have so much on your plate.  Same as Jan, everything crossed for you.  Frances

  • FormerMember

    Wow poor you, I'm surprised you're not in a heap on the floor HUGS

    When my dad was diagnosed I too read all the survival stastics but what i will say, that includes everyone who dies from lung cancer, regardless of age, grade, whether they had treatment or not, so you have to be cautious when you read.  it is true that lung cancer cannot be cured, but it can be managed.  My dad died exactly 6 months following diagnosis and that was with treatment, treatment that worked for a while too.  i find myself getting angry that despite treatment, he died anyway.

    You certainly are dealing with a lot, it's important that you look after yourself as well, keep eating and drinking lots of fluids.

    I hope you get some good news somewhere along the way, keep in touch xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi knicnic,

    Yes, writing things down really does help, I used to do that when I had severe anxiety and depression, constant worry, panic attacks, the lot. Seeing it on paper and then gradually seeing my feelings change, even tiny improvements, was so encouraging and gave me a bit of hope when all seemed to have crashed down around me.

    Please stop googling! You see only the worst-case scenarios, which frighten the pants off you. B****er statistics! It's the individual person that matters, like your dad, your mum - and me!  I was told that without treatment I had 2 years max., so I went ahead with surgery and chemo. They couldn't say how long I've got now, but they're optimistic for my chances, and I'm darned if I'm going to be intimidated by statistics! It's a year now since my diagnosis and frankly I feel better than before it.

    So if you can, get yourself into the frame of mind that says, Yes, I can handle this, whatever it may be - and stop looking into your crystal ball, because it will tell you nothing! The future's a mystery to all of us; it's how we handle things NOW that's important.

    Love & hugs,

