How, why and......

1 minute read time.

Hi, I am the sole carer of my dad.

11 years ago we had a rough ride on the cancer train when dad was diagnosed with tongue cancer. He under went chemo and radiotherapy. He suffered a stroke and a heart attack whilst undergoing treatment.

We have had a fabulous 11 year but sadly at the sign of a wobbly tooth we have been told we are on the same road again. 

Yet this feels so different this time, I can't explain why....maybe because I remember everything he went through last time and I am scared.

Dad's cancer has reappeared in his lower jaw.

The team has offered the surgery to remove bone from his leg to replace his jaw.

The surgery is going to take place 3 hours away from where we live. To me that distance is so daunting.

I have a family of my own who I am.tryingbsonhard to stay strong for, but when the house.goes quiet I am crumbling and feel so alone.

Sorry I feel like I have just wrote a huge pity post but I need ro vent somewhere.

My dad is so active I am scared of what his life will be like post surgery, scared his speech will be worse, scared if something goes wrong.... 

  • I had same surgery almost eighteen months ago at age 78yrs. Not exactly a walk in the park obviously, but speech should not be a problem, maybe a bit of a lisp with a wonky mouth, and tiring to talk at first, but everything settles and he will get used to it.  Suggest you pop onto the Head and Neck Cancer Forum, quite a few carers get help and info from others on there.