Response To Rebecca's post

3 minute read time.

Hi Rebecca, Laura and James,


OK first I apologise for the language used, but not the sentiments I expressed. You are right I did appreciate the response from the CEO. I also accept that people are working to solve  problems.

Just to put the title of this blog in context, I could not have better personal support or more love, in that I am so lucky, butI still remember just what a difference to my existence this site made in the early days. I am now hurting and frustrating that I cannot repay that debt to others who are new and struggling as I was.


The title was meant to try to gain a response from members and maybe sum up just how low some people are, while summing up their mood, and for that I do not apologise. 

I can put up with the new menus and garish colours, its not the layout that I object to but the missing cornerstone that means the ‘Community’  degenerated into a soulless website.


The problem in my eyes is that every time I sign on I see a flood of people seeking friends and a community with many feeling so desperate that they feel it would be better to leave the site than try to struggle through the maze of menus and posts that greet us on the home page.  

I accept that the software had to be changed as it would no longer be supported. I even accept that the old site was not perfect and we also had the problem of the disappearing posts and blogs into cyber space. We will not be getting the old site or software back so that is not what I am asking for.


The new Site has numerous faults, some of which we can live with for now but the single biggest  complaint raised time after time is the lack of a Friends Activity Page which means that page after page of posting have to be viewed to catch up with friends or even to find if they have not posted !! Most people will not search through the full day’s records so some posts from friends will be missed. The alternative is to go to each friend’s page in turn, again time consuming especially those with quite a few friends

I have heard several times now from the Admin Team that there is a known fix for the Friends Activity Page, but it needs  further testing before it is implemented, but no mention of time scale. Are we talking days, weeks or months? If you want to know if it works, try it - we will test it. The worst that may happen is the site falls over, but to a lot of people it’s unworkable now.


I cannot over emphasise the importance of the Friends Activity Page to the members, that was, and still should be, the heart and life blood of the Community, sort that out first please then maybe we can start to rebuild the Mac Family Spirit and get back to the real objective of Macmillan, 'Supporting those suffering with Cancer' 

Just a couple of the Macmillan publicity quotes, think it says it all:

'Cancer is the toughest fight most of us will ever face. But you don't have to go through it alone. The Macmillan team is here to support you every step of the way. '

'Getting the information you need at the time you need it can make you feel a little bit more empowered, a little less anxious and a little less alone.' Kim, cancer information nurse specialist.


I also want to confirm that the thoughts and views expressed are mine alone, but do feel they could reflect views of some others as expressed to me recently. Feel free to post to the blog, I have no objection to people posting their thoughts or opinions even if theirs differ from mine. 

Regards John



  • FormerMember

    Got to be on Johns side. The site MUST get back to how it was yes as I keep aaying its our lifeline.People are not bothering and leaving site.We need the support.At the moment I am recovering well but the site helped me with others helping me with support and advice.Lets think about the newly diagnosed.PLEASE PLEASE we need site working like it was before.Nobody has mentioned why it was changed !!!!! I agree totally with Johns comments.


  • FormerMember

    I'm with you John.  As you know I have been really upset about losing the friends activity page and was hoping we'd soon have it back.  I used to pop in every day and immediately be able to see what all my friends were saying and how they were feeling.  I could then quickly send messages of support but now I come on and just see a list of strangers.  Don't get me wrong I was once a stranger here and I am keen to help out the newbies but sometimes I'm not even sure who they are.  I really am struggling to get my head round this site and I'm finding it distressing as I approach my wee mums anniversary and know the people I would turn to for support I can't even find without trekking through the site for hours!  Sending you lots of love and hugs John.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Here, here, John. Glad you are back and fighting eh?

    Big hug

    Little My xxxx

  • FormerMember

    At last I can post a reply, good one John, I agree totally. Can't start a new line though. Love Jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou John for putting into words what I've been feeling for the last few weeks. Ihad a very bad few days at the same time as the 'IMPROVEMENT'happened. There were questions I needed answers to but no way of posting.When I did post my words disappeared into the nether regions and frustrations increased.I am not very computer savvy.and it is not helpful to be wandering around in the wilderness with no land marks. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FORUMS? Most sites you visit have a forum you can catch up with

    Good days to you and yours.....Fran