Bo**ocks - you want an unprintable title - Go On Temp Me !!! please Temp me !!!

1 minute read time.

This is just the lead in - honest, lost alone and hurting you want a blog - hell watch  tomorrow, there are 14 Community Champions - you understand that, we have no authority, we have no power, but the title says we champion the site - so why are we not up in arms over the crap we have accepeted so far - just a taster and understand if others have a different view - but what the hell is gong on ?
Well love and hugs to all, thats it, nice bit over !! Was going to write 2 blogs, the polite version and this, so looks like you picked this one, to select the other press capital  S for select, Select M for modify, go to home page, select B for blogs, select M  for modified select r for remove crude comments, select P, for want to post now holding cap lock ok Press  F for Fu**ing lost confused and what a load of Toss  - Ok Bollocks - conned you just the one version, just want to say - if I offend or post someting that a  bit contoroversial - so Fu**ing what !!  If Mac can do it then its got to be ok right ??

Watch this post Please xx Love you xx

Take care 

John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    Firstly carrot, Your solutioon is good in theory but when I tried it I got so many things returned I couldn't find what I wanted! Being reasonably familier with computers I did find what I wanted by another root, but only after a lot of shouting at my computer (I hope it hasn't picked up any bad language)! And there is the point people have made elsewhere - how do you spell some cancers!

    I do sympathise with you John and have felt the frustrations that many feel as I struggle to come to grips with this new site.

    However, reading Rebecca's reply I understand why they have changed  from the old site. If the supplier was no longer supporting it then it would not have been long before bugs would appear which could not be fixed by users. It would not have been long before we were complaining about it too.

    We loved the old site, we understood how to get around it, we were comfortable with it. But we have to accept it's gone and there is no going back! RIP!

    We were not privy to the reasons behind the choice of replacement and cannot say therefore whether it was a wise choice or not. The choice has been made and we have to live with it.

    So we have to do two things.

    Firstly we have to struggle to find out how to use this site and make it work for us.

    And secondly, we have sworn enough  at Admin, let's try and work with admin to get those improvements they can give us, and help them set their priorities.

    I'm sure the admin "to-do" tray on this site is already three storeys high, and with the best will in the world they are not going to work through that by next week.

    So, Rebecca, How can we help? I'm sure you have too long a list of things to do, can we help to put it in some kind of order so that at least you can satisfy most of the people some of the time,  if not all the people most of the time.

    Yours struggling too,



  • FormerMember

    Carrot Tops you can access all that information from the My Account link at the top.

    Thank you for the kind words Collin. We are using the community blog to communicate what we are planning and when we will be implementing it. I hope people have found some of the fixes such as the my activity feed and the viewing original post when replying useful.

    More updates to follow :)