Bo**ocks - you want an unprintable title - Go On Temp Me !!! please Temp me !!!

1 minute read time.

This is just the lead in - honest, lost alone and hurting you want a blog - hell watch  tomorrow, there are 14 Community Champions - you understand that, we have no authority, we have no power, but the title says we champion the site - so why are we not up in arms over the crap we have accepeted so far - just a taster and understand if others have a different view - but what the hell is gong on ?
Well love and hugs to all, thats it, nice bit over !! Was going to write 2 blogs, the polite version and this, so looks like you picked this one, to select the other press capital  S for select, Select M for modify, go to home page, select B for blogs, select M  for modified select r for remove crude comments, select P, for want to post now holding cap lock ok Press  F for Fu**ing lost confused and what a load of Toss  - Ok Bollocks - conned you just the one version, just want to say - if I offend or post someting that a  bit contoroversial - so Fu**ing what !!  If Mac can do it then its got to be ok right ??

Watch this post Please xx Love you xx

Take care 

John xx

  • FormerMember

    Lets make one thing clear. When John speaks he is speaking on his own behalf. But not on mine as Steve says John is speaking on our behalf Wrong.  If I have something to say I will say it and it will be my opinion and not on be half of anyone else as we all have different opinions on the new site.

    So dont go making sweeping remarks as to who is speaking for who.

    Regards Sarsfield. Thanks.

  • FormerMember

    Point noted.

    I do feel though that John is speaking on behalf of me and long may he continue to do so.  I also feel he is speaking on behalf of many others judging by the comments I have read on mine, his and others Blogs and posts.  I do however accept that I shouldn't of course lump everyone in together because, thank goodness, we are all individuals.

    Many apologies no offence meant.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for both your support and contributions, Stinker, Sunny, Joycee, Georgia, Vicola, Tim, Teabank ( Congratulations !! ), Stevie C,  FuzzyLady and Oldandgrey - you saying its me or the site thats batty ?
    Aaron and Court I welcome your input, thats what a debate is about, different perspectives on the same subject.
    Sarsfield, sorry that you got upset by some of the comments and Stevie C has responded, I do try to reflect views that others have communicated, but never claim I speak for everyone.
    Rebecca, thank you for responding and I have now posted a reply to you, in a slightly calmer vien, but I am still concerned for fellow members regarding time scales.
    John XX

  • FormerMember

    Ha ha only just found this... ages after everyone else....

    I have ranted away on the admin 'tell us how you find the new site' place...and apart from speeding it up, still waiting for some changes to happen.... not sure what changes they are going to fix and what not... in the meantime,  I would like to say here here to John though you have a potty mouth :o)

    and here here to Steve. He speaks for me.

    I was too tired last night to catch up with people and tonight... I am trawling through stuff everywhere trying to catch up with people and blogs etc and I know I missed some of my mates.

    I only stumbled across this cos  I was trying to find a blog written by a friend (still one or two hanging on in there)

    Vikky is one of my mates and I love getting her comments on my blogs etc. My mates are giving up and it makes me feel lonely.


    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,  Fecking Brilliant. xxxx

    Just finding my way round everything and found out that if you go to Online Community, then click onto Community Home, you can then type in what you want or name in the wee box top right hand corner (where we all used to sign in on old site) you found it yet lol!!! 

    Well once you do that all your own blogs, pics, friends etc will come up on a list.

    So there yeh have it fae this wee heed banger hee hee. Glad to be back online. xxxx