what help is there

1 minute read time.

Its almost 2 years since i came on this site. We have been muddling along since then and my Mum's breast cancer with mets to bones has now also mets to liver. Her arm was hurting  and Dr arranged radiotherapy to help the arm pain. whilst having the radiotherapy me and my husband and two sons moved in to cook and help out. 
 I contacted hospice to see if Mum could recouperate there as my dad was getting her up several times a night to help him go to the loo as he is disabled with incontinence problems. However no help was available from Hospice
Mum's arm is now so severe she can't lift or move it. So she can't cook, or do anything. she eats minuscule portions , feels and is sick . Is dazed and grey faced.  
I wrote to Hospice asking if mum can go there for a few days and they haven't replied . i have asked GP to phone me tomorrow to ask them to refer her to hospice as she needs to have rest without worrying about dad's needs. then i will go and stay with him.
However i doubt the hospice will help and was wondering actually what help is there for  people,

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ginger, 

    I'm really sorry to hear about your mum. It sounds like you and your family are doing a fantastic job in looking after her, even while you're struggling to find the additional support she needs. 

    In the first instance, I think you might find it helpful to give Macmillan a ring on 0808 808 0000. It's free to call and open from 9am-8pm. Our team of experts will be able to offer you information and support on the practical questions you have, and may be able to suggest services that are available to you in your area.  They will also be able to talk to you about support and help that is available for you, as her carer. 

    You may also find it helpful to read and explore the experiences of others who are looking after loved ones. The Carers and Carers Only groups are both very active and there will be lots of members there who will identify with what you're going through and listen to any questions or thoughts you may have.