2 minute read time.

Well what can I say?  My husband and I were going through life as happy as can be and we now find that John has bowel cancer with secondaries in his liver.  This all started as he finally went to the doctors (after much nagging) about 8 weeks ago, The TV advert was what actually made him go. There he is sitting in the waiting room looking at the very attractive full wall display about bowel cancer and when he gets in to see the doctor he explains his symptons and tells the doctor he has bowel cancer.  Our Doctor is "very special" he has absolutely no tact or bedside manner and tells John in no uncertain terms that it is his job to do the diagnostics.  The Doctor carried out the expected examination and agreed that John should have tests carried out and that he tended to agree with the self diagnostics.  We went for the first endoscopy and were told that there was a tumour so he was booked in for scans and a bigger endoscopy.  After the second endoscopy we were told that there were no further tumours and what they had found was malignant but very operable - we left the hospital feeling quite reassured.  This feeling was shortlived as when we went back for all the results the tumour could not be operated on as the cancer had spread to his liver and chemo would be needed to get the liver under control.  As we left the hospital John uttered a very heartfelt expletive, I was useless I just cried when the consultant gave us the news.  Obviously for the next few days we were on an emotional rollercoaster.  John decided to tell people, the first was the worst.  After this all of our friends were told and if they asked they got all the details, in fact John found it helpful to talk to people and we are both humbled by the offers of help we have received from our friends.  I was not so brave I only told a few people and every time I did I burst into tears which was a shock to those I was telling as I am usually a hard faced bitch.  Anyway we now have a date to start chemo and are both positive about it - we made the decision to carry on as normal asking everyone to just treat John normally.  The number of people who approach both of us saying "how sorry they are to hear the new" has been amazing (we live in a small village so everyone gets to hear everything).  I must admit that my response has changed from thanking people for their concern to replying "not half as .......... sorry as we are".  Obviously we are at the beginning of this journey that we never wanted to start but have now decided to get on with our lives and enjoy ourselves

  • FormerMember
    Sorry that you have had to head down this road. Life really is very cruel. I am awaiting a pet scan to find my primary cancer, and knowing that a condition is only treatable is heart breaking. I have told close friends and work but have to pluck the courage to tell family. This is going to happen at the weekend and I have no idea how to tell them. Well done for being brave and upfront with people. I wish you both luck on your journey and hope for a Positive outcome. X
  • FormerMember

    Hi, just wanted to say welcome here and that you will get a lot of help and support and some smiles sometimes too.

    Join the bowel cancer group too and you can get specific help there if you need it.

    It will start to sink in and become the new normal and way of being and good for you getting on with it!

    I often think it is worse for the other halves,... we just get on with it and know how we are feeling etc, you have to look after us and worry and wonder... you have my sympathy there!! I wouldn't want to swap places and have to care instead of have...

    Anyway, we are here when you need us

    Sending you a big hug

    Little My xxx

    ps don't ever be shy to accept that help offered. I was Miss Independant before cancer and never asked for help and it was so hard for me to do so, but a friend of mine said to me that they all felt so useless and wished they could do something, so doing a little bit of practical help made them feel better like they were doing something. She talks sense, so see it as a need for others too and get some help cos the emotions are knackering, never mind the treatment etc!


  • Hi ,

    Just want to welcome you and please take up Little My 's suggestion of joining the bowel group . There are so many helpful people and it does help to be understood.

    I am never sure if this bit is helpful or not but if your looking for a bit of encouragement , my mum was detected through the bowel screen programme and was a picture of health running around with an established spread to her liver . I was devastated that she missed surgery , but eventually we followed my mum's lead and got behind her and adopted a more productive approach.

    Chemo worked well twice and has allowed surgery on the liver. Three years later we are so grateful she went straight to chemo first.

    Thinking of you both,

    Love Court.