The beginning of my journey.

1 minute read time.


I'm a 48 year old mother and went to the doctor in May2018 with itchiness under my boob that just would not go away. The doctor gave me an examination and found a lump .... the other side of my boob to the itching! Fast forward to the breast clinic...........Mamogram..Hmm looks suspicious, lets have a biopsy, ........Jackpot you have breast cancer! Now a memember of a club I never for one minute thought I would ever be in.

So surgery next ......... all goes very well. lucky I had very big boobs  ......J cup! My consultant .... and amazing lady... offered me a lumpectomy with therapeutic mamoplasty and a symmetry reduction on the non cancerous boob.

Quick moment for a happy dance , FREE BOOB JOB ON THE NHS lol. 

So now cancer gone ... I'm little miss new boobs with fabulous scars, genuinely pleased with the results.

Then reults. HR Negative. so yep you guessed it ...... its Chemo time!!!!!

September 6th 1st round of FEC ........ I got this, I'm fit and healthy-ish, I don't do sick, it won't be all That bad surely? I CAN DO THIS.

Oh MY GOD!!!!!!! I was SO not ready for the fatigue, nausea, bloated, trapped wind and general all over not knowing what to do with myself on days 3,4 and 5. Poleaxed is an understatement. 

Feeling very sorry for myself I wonder can I actually do this? Obviously I have to. I have a 10 year old daughter. 

Day 6 and I have an appointment with headstrong........ my friend and saviour happened to have a day off. She took me. I am SO glad we went. The ladies were Totally amazing. felt like we were sat inside one of the adverts on tv. 

Boosted my morale no end. I noticed that I was feeling a bit better too... less bloated and painful.

Day 7 ..... Ive got up and had some breakfast .... and not needed to anti sick pill ... yet lol x 

So here I am blogging for the first time in my life. Never even had a diary before. I'm hoping it will help me retain my sanity and possibly some of my humour through this. I can only bore my husband so much with my trials and tribulations lol

I have some energy today so i'm going to get dressed and get outside.

Talk again soon

Shezza1 xxx
