Number two done!!!!

1 minute read time.

Well hello,

I have not blogged for a bit as I decided to be selfish and enjoy some symptom free time, if you don't count the sheddinghair faster than a golden retriever. I managed to drive for 2 hours to my sister and join the girls of the family in my Neices hen party. So glad i did it. Then came back to ready myself for round 2! 

Had the bloods. check. Remembered no micropore tape. check. ( I still have a scar on my arm from week one from the nastty tape lol. 

Chemo day. I had reflexology for the first time ever. really was quite nice thank you very much. 

Then the 8 syringes of delicious poison. The usual wooziness etc etc. 

Felt a bit tired in the evening so took myself to bed. 

Day 1 cycle 2 and my husband announces that he aggrees its time for me to brave the shave as he can't bear to watch me constantly shedding my hair and getting uncomfortable with it all falling onto my neck and shoulders. So we went to the barber. And now the hair is all but gone. Just a little patchy fuzz. 

When they say get a sleeping cap for bed ..... DO IT!!!! I'm so glad I did, it's really chilly with no hair. 

A short ride out in the car later and home before lunch. Then the fatigue hit me. so back to bed for me. 

I have been menatlly alot clearer this time, not nearly as foggy and distant sounding so far but fatigue....... Oh My Lord. 

I managed to get up and dressed today .. day 4 cycle 2. Have been on the sofa for the lion share of the day but at least I've been out of my bed. 

A touch of constipation, but nothing drastic. ( was that a share too much ?)  

But reall good news is I don't hve the bloated sickly feeling yet this time......... fingers crossed the anti acid and  anti sickness works .........

But i'm one third done!!!!!!!!!!! Woop next one is HALF WAY xxxxxx

