What a year.

1 minute read time.

This is my first time at writing on a forum so bear with me. First of all I was getting up loads of times a night for a wee! Then it started to hurt, turns out it was bladder cancer and it’s got to come out. So back in march at Guildford out it came only to be told it had spread beyond. That was ok, it’s just an illness like any other. While I was recovering, one day I had terrible pain in my side, off we go to A&E, kept in and promptly caught Covid that nearly killed me off. Came home but didn’t feel well. Got my poor wife home from care home where she had been in respite while I was recovering.  Got I’ll again, back in hospital again this time with sepsis! Come home then back in with sepsis. All the time my poor wife is back in care. Started to get strong again and looking to get my wife home again, only to be told over the phone she had died. A sudden death so police and coroner involved. We had her cremated in August and now I’ve started my treatment. It it wasn’t that I’ve got two sons and three grandchildren I would have taken my own life. Just wanting to get Christmas out the way and see what the new year has in store for me, can’t be any worse than this. Sorry it’s a miserable story. Rayx
