
2 minute read time.


22.5 Turned yellow, sent to A&E at St Richard’s arrived 4pm and left 1am. Saw medical team, bilirubin levels high, to return 11am for CT scan on 23.5

23.5 had CT scan at 10am, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and admitted to Emergency Ward at St Richard’s.

25.5 Discharged from Emergency Ward at St Richard’s

26.5 Returned for ERCP to unblock bile duct by Dr Stone but failed to get through Duodenum because of cancer.

31.5 2nd ERCP at Chichester failed again because of cancer around bile duct, but biopsy was obtained.

13.6 Admitted to Queen Alexandra, Portsmouth on Ward C5 for PCT on 14th

14.6 PCT op postponed

16.6 PCT op success last thing on Friday by Dr Powell? and unblocked bile duct but no one realised drain had slipped out but on Acute ward.

17.6 Junior doctors strike, on Acute ward on Saturday

18.6 Fathers Day Sunday - on Acute ward

20.6 Early morning moved back to open ward on C5

23.6 Discharged by QA from C5, sister collected

26.6 Sammy’s (my sons) funeral on Monday

12.7 Admitted to St Richard’s as couldn’t hold food or water down. Spent first night in room on A&E

13.7 QA appointment with Dr Coyle cancelled. Next day because of Junior doctor’s strike saw Dr Hedges who said it’s  your lucky day, I’m a Consultant. Stomach decompressed in evening by favourite nurse after 2 nurses asked her advice.

14.7 Stent inserted in stomach to open it up by Dr Pearce.

17.7 Discharged by St Richard’s

20.7 Appointment at QA with Dr Coyle 10.20am at QA. Signed consent forms. Not sure if Pancreatic or duodenal cancer but treatment the same.

24.8 At QA 8.30am PICC line fitted, need flask and bum bag. 10.30am one on one nurse consultation. No more French cheese or eggs. Warned of effects of cold on nerve endings.

25.8 At QA start chemo 9.30am

27.9 2 days into chemo my mother died.

28.8 Pump removed at QA from 2.30pm

5.9 Clinic follow up at St Richard’s at 1.20pm with Dr Coyle. Cancelled next round of chemo and agreed to lower dose for next round. Gave time for my father in law and mother’s funeral.

7.9 Back to QA for Picc line flush.

13.9 Went to my father in law’s funeral in London 

20.9 Went to my mother’s funeral in East Sussex

21.9 Prepped for chemo next day at QA.

22.9 2nd round of chemo at QA on lower dose. Started at 10.30am, left at 4pm with pump.

  • My Dad went yellow and that was how his pancreatic cancer was discovered (way back in 1997)   I have bowel cancer (with secondaries in my groin lymph nodes) I started chemo on 18th September. Like yourself, a side effect for me is the cold sensitivity. I have forgotten a few times and grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer...  I am so sorry to hear about your mother and father-in-law.   Good luck with the chemo.