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Hello my name is Shannon I'm 26 years old...... I'm new to this so not to sure what I'm doing yet.....

 my mum got diagnosed with cancer back in June..... back and forth with scans tests more tests more scans.... then she got diagnosed with Poorly differentiated non small cell cancer with immunoprofile consistent with squamous cell cancer  (thymic origin ) 

She's had chemo...... didn't they decided the best option was to operate.... unfortunately when they opened her up the tumour was much worse than they thought and has wrapped its self round her alter archery of her heart so they had to close her back up...... 

Next plan 

Radio therapy...... but the tumour had got so big since she was healing that was no longer an option..... 

Plan now.... 

more chemo..... will this work no one knows....  but trying to be positive.... 

Yesterday she fell unconscious while sitting up in bed I've never been so frightened and I have no one to tell how I feel because I don't want her knowing I'm so scared if she leaves this world I don't know how I can go on with mine.... she's always looked after me now I'm looking after her... so I have my little moments when I'm driving to work for a good cry ........ 

  • Shannon, its ok to cry but just remember they don't seem to have run out of options with your mum. More importantly you should probably ring the number on this page for a chat and support. Perhaps the hospital where your mum is being treated have counsellors, i know my oncology department offered counselling to my family as well if they had wanted it.

    Also just remember there are loads of people on here listening to you.

  • FormerMember

    Shannon, what you're feeling is exactly what I'm going through. I've been blogging on and off since before Christmas, mainly when I'm feeling low to be honest, as an outlet, it seems to help a little bit so keep writing if it helps you.

    I'm just older than you and going through similar emotions. What I'll say is you will have good days and bad days. Through everything you've got to try and make good happy memories with your mum, even during he darkest days, ones that you can look back on. And crying is good, you need to release all the emotions. Take care

  • FormerMember

    Please don't struggle on alone get the nurses in to help when your not around, try getting your mum onto the trial drugs, it might be what she needs, do it today if possible.