How I arrived here...

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In 2013 we thought Mum had dementia, May 25th 2014 we found out it wasn't, mum had mestatic lung cancer that had spread to her brain, she passed away at home 19th June 2015. Dad had his cancerous prostate removed on the 7th July 2014 and I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 12th August 2015, tumour removed, 15 seasons of radiotherapy and 5 year on tamoxifen, then there's now........ Don't know how to move forward 

  • FormerMember

    Sorry 19th June 2014 mum passed 

  • Hi Chala, You have been through so much in a relatively short time. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Take a little time out to be kind to YOU!! It is really early days on your cancer journey and you need time to accept that this is the new you. As time goes by it does become easier. Now that you have finished the main treatment it can seem as if you have been cut adrift. No more such frequent hospital visits but also the feeling that no one is checking on you so often. I have heard many times that at this time counselling can really help. You may be able to arrange that through Macmillan or your GP.

    Most of all try to give yourself some time, I expect you are feeling tired still and your emotions are probably all over the place. This is really very normal as you have been on a roller coaster ride since August!! I think you have probably been overloaded with stress during the last 12 months as well.

    You might like to go onto the breast cancer site here as you will find loads of support and people on there coping with at least some of the issues you are dealing with right now.

    Please be gentle with yourself now.

    Sending you a hug.

    Maggie x