Cancer Troll

  • The economics of cancer health rationing


    One of the basic expectations of a socialised health care system is the rationing of treatment and medicines so as to make both affordable to the largest number of people.  However, one of the principal drawbacks of socialised care is that rationing also implies long delays in treatment and shortages of the most effective medicines.  In the lingo of economists, there is a tradeoff between affordability for…

  • How to help a cancer patient: a guide


    How to help a cancer patient: a guide
    When one is diagnosed with cancer and that knowledge becomes public, one is likely to be bombarded with expressions of concern and offers to help.  In my experience, there are three broad groups that tend to form.  Group one is composed of people who express some concern initially, but then disappear from your radar screen, as if cancer where contagious.   Group…