Hopes and fears

1 minute read time.

Never checked my breasts regularly but as I had gained a few pounds decided to look at myself in mirror in just my underwear . As I breathed in hoping to look slimmer I noticed a dimpling effect under my nipple. I was aware this was a sign of breast cancer so checked for a lump. I detected a small lump and went to docs who then referred me to breast clinic where I had a mammogram,ultra sound and biopsy. I was told the same day that it looked cancerous and to prepare for bad news. Whilst waiting on my results  that were booked for following week I noticed a tenderness in other breast so felt again and found another lump but knew I was seeing consultant in a couple of days so didn't panic too much. My consultant confirmed I had breast cancer in first boob and sent me for another biopsy on second one to then be told I had this in both breasts. I had a bilateral mascectomy just before Christmas with a total clearance of nodes under one arm as there was a suspicious looking node and only a few from other arm. Had results yesterday had grade 1 tumour and have 4 nodes and in other it was grade 2 with none involved so see oncologist and have ct scan next week and should start chemo by end of Jan. This has been such a rollercoaster of emotions but cannot knock nhs cause from finding lump to having mascectomy was all in about 7 weeks.  Petrified of cat scan in case they tell me it's spread but reading some of your stories on here makes me hopeful. 

  • FormerMember

    It is a rollercoaster - you are right - one that doesn't go just up and down but round and round with twists and turns!!  But I wholly agree, the NHS seem to have us under their wings and I am so grateful for their support, treatment and overall attitude to me and my anxieties. Had my 4 monthly MRI on Tuesday, results on Monday - feeling soooo anxious and that feeling doesn't really ever go away over a year later but is replaced by a quiet confidence in those around you - professionals and friends and family alike - they are all coming together to make you 'better' in whatever way that means.. I get on with life in between these 4 monthly checks, put my head down and remember that life is for now and for ruddy well living - I could get hit by a bus tomorrow!!! (and that would be just my luck).. thinking of you and hope to see you on here soon...x

  • Hi Goldie do you mean lymph nodes affected below your rib cage, sternum and neck ? I'm really dreading the ct scan. I'm still sore at sides of my chest and have fluid and scar tissue hardening both sides but they say it's normal and it will take time for my body to break it down. Every pain I get I think worst at the mo. Got pain at the side of my shoulder blade but keep convincing myself it's because I can't get comfortable laying on my back but can't sleep on my sides cause then that hurts me too I really hope your results are good I will keep fingers crossed for you . I'm afraid I think we most probably will have these fears for the rest of our lives once you have heard that dreaded C word every ailment we will have will cause anxieties. Sending positive thoughts your way x

  • FormerMember

    Hi - yep, got it in me neck, sternum and lower spine. Had right breast fully removed and found in all lymph nodes in August 2015. Had CT Scan and bone scan and found in bones and then had MRI and found nowhere else.. 18 months later, working hard, having 4 monthly MRI's which I hate as assume that it has travelled all round me ruddy body, monthly bone infusions, tablets and monthly injections. But, Moolia, feeling good and most of the time, feel positive. I am serious when I say that the NHS have got our back - I know some people have bad experiences but I haven't yet actually met someone who has. They want us to be treated to be sorted, they will do everything in their power to contain this thing - so please... try try not to worry.. The fluid will go down. It took a while for mine cos I'm a stupid smoker and apparently that slows down the healing process, but I kept with the exercises and now, apart from the odd really weird twinge where I don't have a boob(!) my arms work and I am normal in every other way. This forum stuff is great Moolia - you can read so many positive stories and they helped me so much. Yep, tonight I am wide awake and can't sleep due to anxiety for my appointment on Monday - but.. I am relaxed worried, if that makes sense, because there are so so many of us out there all going through the same thing.... keep with it, go with the flow and keep talking and reading on here... x