Day 1

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My first blog about my dad Michael. For 6 months he has been serious pain. Stomach pain, nausea, extreme weight loss. 3 stone in 6 months. Monday the 15/01/2017 rushed back into hospital with seriously high potassium levels. Today my worse fears confirmed....cancer cells in his pancreas. An appointment with an oncologist and pancreas specialist tomorrow. All the symptoms over the past 6 months pointing to cancer.cancer that horrible word. Not just that but my mum also suffers with M.S and dementia and my dad was her full time carer. Life is too cruel to do this to my mum but to my dad aswel?!? What else can I do at the moment apart from cry.I'm engaged to be married and I'd like my dad to walk me down the aisle. Too many emotions to deal with at the confused and mixed up.....

  • FormerMember

    Hi. New to site. My. Wife has stage 4 bowl cancer she starts cemo. Monday they said she is going to have tablets not sure about side affect some say you get sore s. On. Hand. And feet. She is trying to be strong has any body. Else had these tablets it's hard seeing someone. You love in so much pain all the time