
Less than one minute read time.

Hello. It's Saturday night and I've just joined the community. Feel a bit lost as not seen anyone yet since diagnosis. Going  for MRI scan  tomorrow. Will be seeing plastic surgeon on Monday. Had what I thought was infected haemmoroid but biopsy revealed melanoma. Being  as positive as I can but still been a massive shock. Didn't think Melanoma affected places where sun doesnt shine! Just shows how ignorant I am. Already had CT scan last Thursday so am in system. Just have no idea of extent of reach of malignant  cells and how quickly they spread so quite apprehensive. Night night.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Juliette,

    Oh b****r. Who knew that melanoma could occur where the sun don't shine. Certainly not me. But then I'm not a melanoma expert. I am one of the community champs, volunteers who welcome new comers to the site. So welcome to the community although I'm sorry you've had to join. It sounds as though you are caught up in a whirlwind of scans and appointments and I bet you feel as though your life is no longer your own. I saw you have joined the melanoma group - by all means carry on blogging here but if you want to connect with people in the same situation then you might be better starting a discussion over in the group.

    I hope your appointment tomorrow goes well and doesn't give you any nasty surprises


  • FormerMember

    Hello  and thank you for the welcome, daloni. I'll follow your suggestion about discussion group. I'm not much of a techy being a silver surfer and not up with all the social media stuff but will plough on regardless ! Cheers. Juliette47