my story

1 minute read time.

Hoping this will hep!  Writing my journey down tomorrow hopings diagnosed with cancer about 4 weeks ago.  I had an emergency operation to remove the tumour in my bowel as it was causing a blockage which was making me throw up all the time, i thought i had irratable bowel syndrome. This is what i was admitted to hospital for and dehydration. I had an endoscopy and thats how they discovered the blockage, then i was being sick again and bleedng from the bowel so I was admitted again and they did the op.  Everything went well they removed 6 inches and then joined it back together I was in hospital for a week after and they looked after me really well. I didnt have to have a bag. 

3 weeks after the op just before xmas i had an mri scan as they knew it had spread to liver and something on spleen from an earlier ultrasound scan. 

We went to the hospital last thursday to see the doctor, i knew i would most likely be having chemo and had a fight ahead of me but we were not expecting the news that it is terminal.

It has spread to the lymph nodes as well as spleen and liver.  He didnt mention a timescale. Just that i am young so i will be able to cope with the chemo, this is to control it i think and hopefully give me a little more time.  I had my 50th birthday yesterday!

I have my first appointment with my oncologist tomorow so hoping to have a clearer picture then. I know my chemo is for 6 months but not sure how many cycles yet.

It has all been a lot to take in and some days i feel very positive and other days quite scared and daunted.  Hopefully tomorrow will give us more information.

Is anyone else in a similar position.

I will write on my blog again tomorrow afternoon, hoping this will help me cope and help others too.

I must say the macmillan books we have read have been brilliant and so is this site!

  • FormerMember

    I have a similar story to you and will post more the next few days .Currently mid way though 12 cycle chemo. Share a lot of ymour thoughts  / emotion  

  • FormerMember

    The hardest part about it is since the op I feel great physically no pain or symptoms whatsoever! 

  • FormerMember

     The hardest part about it is since the op I feel great physically no pain or symptoms whatsoever! 

  • FormerMember

    feeling more positive after seeing my oncologist on Thursday. Going by statistics i

    have 3 years. I feel more in control knowing what chemo i am having etc too. The night before going was a sleepless one, worrying about how much time i had etc. Feel i have accepted things now and can plan things for this year and next year and see what 2019 brings. We have booked a few cruises and i am planning the garden. Will be buying a greenhouse next month. I am self employed so can carry on working. During chemo over the next 6 months i plan to work until lunchtime rather than all day and see how that goes.

    I will have my picc line fitted next wednesday and then i will be having antibodies weekly and chemo also every other week this will be through a pump over two days that i will go home with and then go back to day unit to have detached.

    hoping to have more positive days, i know there will be bad ones too.

  • FormerMember

    forgot to say having 12 cycles so will finish early June. Shaving my hair off next weekend