BCC Skin Cancer - upper lip

Less than one minute read time.

Just got the news from surgeon that the BCC on my upper lip is skin cancer, I was quite shocked as everything I have read led me to think it was nothing to worry about.  Instead of asking him questions I just sat there and stared at him! Anyway I have come away with a few questions unanswered!  The thing I feel more worried about is when he said was the surgery will make my lip look shorter.  How much shorter I'm thinking.  I've tried squeezing my lip together to see what it might look like but that doesn't work!  I feel a bit upset but not sure why as everything I have read indicates a high recovery rate.  Is this normal to feel this way?

  • Hi TwinCS You haven't said what kind of skin cancer but I guess it doesn't matter that much. Any kind of surgery to the face would be upsetting and worrying - after all that's our presentation to the world.

    Nothing I can say will make it easier for you but I will tell you of a friend who had to have quite extensive plastic surgery around the nose/mouth area for the same reason. She ended up with a very very fine white scar line around the side of her nose but that's all. You couldn't tell otherwise.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Lynn xx

  • I came to this site (probably dying) and in need of reassurance.

    Please tell me this post isn't a "my selfies aren't going to turn out perfect"?

    Please? FFS?

  • chuckles1066

    The online community is for anybody whose life is touched by cancer - those fearing they have cancer (like yourself), those with confirmed diagnoses, as well as family, friends, carers and colleagues of those people. It's also a community for ALL cancer types - whether those cancers are considered deadly or relatively easily 'fixed'.

    Everybody touched by cancer has their fears and whilst YOU might not think those fears are as great or as real as your own, they are fears nonetheless and the posters are worthy of the respect and support of other members - or you can choose to just ignore the post, tut to yourself, and move on. I think your response is rude and inconsiderate. I hope that was not your intention but it's quite hard to read it in any other way.

    I understand you are scared, possibly angry and probably very worried about what the future may bring for you. Please try not to let your fears make you behave unkindly to others.  When you know more about your own situation, there will be many people here who will try to help you handle that diagnosis and give you support and share their experiences and they will be happy to do that.